Viro for Microsoft Teams
Admin Guide & Documentation
As Admin, you play a crucial role in ensuring your team gets the most out of Viro's features. This guide will help you effectively manage Viro within your Microsoft Teams environment. Please email nick@viro.app with any further troubleshooting.
Getting Started
How to Use Viro
Key Things to Know
Download Metrics for Sustainability Reports
Admin Roles
Create Challenges
Manage Teams
Individual vs. Team

Getting Started
1). Add Yourself as Admin
Your first step as an Admin is to add yourself—and any other key members—as admins in Viro. Once this role is assigned, only designated Admins can access the 'Admin Roles' section, keeping management streamlined and secure. If no one is assigned as an Admin yet, all users will temporarily have access to this feature until an Admin is established.

2). Add Your First Learning Module
Now that you've set up Admin access, it’s time to add your first Learning Module. Head over to the Learning Module tab, where you’ll find fields to input the provided Title, Url, and Image. Simply insert each detail in its designated spot, and your module will appear on the home screen, ready to engage your team.
Title: Welcome to Viro: Sustainability Starts Here
URL: https://www.viro.app/microsoft
Add Image: Google Drive Link
The Viro team will email you updated learning modules regularly to keep content fresh, but you’re also welcome to add modules that are unique to your organization anytime. Let’s get learning underway!

3). Create Your First Challenge
With your Learning Module set up, let’s get your team engaged by creating the first challenge! Navigate to the Challenges tab, where you can set up an individual or team challenge. Begin by entering the challenge details, including a name, description, and start/end dates.
Your first challenge could encourage employees to complete eco-actions daily, aiming to close their Activity Rings by the end of the month. Once saved, the challenge will appear on all users’ dashboards, ready to inspire some friendly competition and sustainable action!
Note: If your first challenge is a Team challenge, you'll need to add Teams and assign Members to each Team for accurate tracking.

How to Use Viro
View the Guide
To help your team get the most out of Viro, we’ve created a dedicated guide that walks them through each feature and eco-action step-by-step. We recommend you familiarize yourself with this guide to answer any questions that may come up.
Please direct employees to www.viro.app/microsoft for a detailed overview whenever they have questions about using Viro.
Key Things to Know
Carbon pollution (CO2e) reduction is calculated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator. This calculator uses marginal emissions rates. -
Viro hosts 1 individual challenge per month. Challenge prizes are emailed directly to winners in the form of gift cards at no cost to your organization. Admins can create additional individual and team challenges. Viro is not responsible for rewarding custom (Admin created) challenge prizes. -
Activity Ring
Users are encouraged to close the activity ring by completing 3 eco-actions each day.
Eco-actions List
Actions are divided into 3 categories.
Vegetarian Meal
Vegan Meal
Pescatarian Meal
Farm to Table

Bike / Walk
Electric Vehicle (EV)
Public Transit

Bring Your Own

Download Impact Metrics
Admins may download an Excel (.xls) file of all user activity and metrics at any time. To request an Impact Summary for your organization's sustainability report, email nick@viro.app.

Admin Roles
Admin view is only available on desktop, not mobile or tablet view.
Manage Admins
Add or remove Admin access to users in your organization. -
View Challenges
View upcoming challenges, remove challenges, or add challenges. -
View Teams
View teams, remove teams, add teams, and manage team members. -
Add learning modules to Viro home screen. New learning modules replace the current learning module. Admins will receive information to update learning modules weekly. Admins may add custom learning modules at any time.

Users compete as individuals or in teams to climb the leaderboard and win the challenge. Multiple challenges can be active at once and users can be involved in multiple active challenges at once. There can only be one team challenge at a time - team challenge dates cannot overlap.
View Challenges
This is a list of all upcoming challenges. Challenges can not be edited, only deleted. Press the X to delete a challenge. -
Add Challenges
Add a custom individual or team challenge for your organization. Viro is not responsible for rewarding custom challenge prizes. At onboarding, Admins will receive information to add upcoming challenges.-
Individual Challenge
All users compete individually to climb the leaderboard. -
Team Challenge
Admins may create teams for a custom challenge by assigning individuals in their organization to a team. The total number of actions by each team determines the winning team. When creating teams, be sure to have approximately the same number of users on each team.

Add Teams
Add a team to your custom team challenge by entering a team name and icon. -
Edit Team Members
Add or remove team members to custom challenge teams.

Viro hosts 12 individual challenges per year (monthly) with prizes. Winners of these challenges earn prizes in the form of emailed gift cards. All users in an organization are included in all individual challenges.
View users and teams with most actions completed. -
By default, top 5 winners earn a prize from individual challenges. This can be changed at any time by contacting nick@viro.app
*Viro is not responsible for rewarding prizes for custom challenges created by an organization.

Educational content and sustainability tips are accessible on the home screen. Topics and viewership metrics are available in the Impact Summary.
Learning Modules
Add a learning module by inputting Title, URL, and Image to Add Learning Module screen. Upon submission, the Learning Module will be featured on the Home screen. Viro Admins will receive emails with information and instructions to update learning modules weekly.

Leveraging Microsoft's Copilot technology, AI image detection is accessible for all users with Powerapps Premium Licenses. Simply upload an image or snap a photo from your device for Copilot to auto-detect the completed action. This ensures transparency and accuracy for impact metrics.